Arachno Orbit Benefit Case Study: City of Champaign

January 14, 2015 - ROI Case Studies P1

The City of Champaign, Illinois, deployed Arachno Orbit to replace an aging content management system that limited users’ ability to find the information they needed. Moving to Orbit enabled the city to provide both employees and constituents with easy access to information about government activities. Nucleus found the project increased productivity of employees, improved transparency and visibility, and reduced technology costs.

– Reduced ongoing content management licensing costs by 25 percent
– Reduced internal support staff time
– Increased productivity by 30 minutes per employee per week
– Enabled scanning, tagging, renaming, and transferring more than 10,000 documents from the previous solution in approximately one month
– Managed access rights for 500 internal employees and more than 83,000 constituents