CRM benefit areas with the greatest ROI impact

January 17, 2024 - Research Y5

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Nucleus determined that the return on CRM investment has declined by 37 percent over the last 10 years. However, with an average return of $3.10 per dollar spent, organizations are still achieving notable value from their CRM solution. To identify the benefit areas that are driving this return, Nucleus examined 11 case study calculations conducted in the CRM space throughout 2023. This analysis is critical in helping organizations adapt and refine their CRM strategies for optimal returns, focusing on the most impactful areas for investment and improvement. Nucleus found that for modern CRM deployments, time savings from individual productivity gains and improvements to overall process efficiency account for 51 percent of the total ROI. In addition, since increased revenue was found to be the benefit area contributing least to the total return, organizations must also supplement core CRM functionality with sales-specific tools to maximize ROI.

Learn more about Nucleus Research’s ROI case study approach here.

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