Datto Continuity now available for Microsoft Azure
In September 2021, Datto announced that its Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) solution, Datto Continuity, was now available for Microsoft Azure. This BCDR solution protects Managed Service Provider’s (MSPs) cloud-based client and company data residing in Azure against cyber-attacks, security breaches, and downtime or outages. This decision reflects the growing number of small and medium-sized businesses making the transition to cloud-based services, especially Azure, and the corresponding demand for MSPs to deliver reliable business solutions. The implementation of Datto Continuity for Azure will provide MSPs with data backup, recovery, and security via multi-could backup capabilities and data replication. The practice of storing data on both primary and secondary clouds, paired with Datto’s Inverse Chain Technology, will minimize downtime and offer significant improvements in data security and continuity.