Fluke Reliability ROI case study – Parts Manufacturer

October 6, 2023 - Research X178

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An aerospace parts manufacturer achieved an 1,126 percent ROI and recovered its investment in 1.2 months following its Fluke Reliability eMaint deployment. Notable quantified benefits from its deployment include increased productivity, reduced downtime, and cost savings. Specific quantitative benefits cited include a 50 percent decrease in monthly corrective actions, saving up to 30 minutes per action. Equipment uptime improved from 80 percent to 95 percent, reducing downtime costs significantly. Overtime was cut by between 14 and 16 hours weekly, and the number of technicians was reduced from 14 to 9, saving roughly $65,000 per technician. Inventory per equipment was lowered by 10 percent, providing significant savings from the initial $1.2 million inventory. Replacing a costly $80,000 per year equipment with a $200,000 one-time purchase led to 100 percent uptime without recurring costs.

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A manufacturer achieved a 1,126 percent ROI by implementing Fluke Reliability eMaint and payback period of 1.2 months. Read the full Fluke Reliability ROI case study.