Guidebook: Visier People
The expense and complexity of people analytics present a challenge for large organizations. To meet their people analytics needs, organizations traditionally take one of two approaches. One, the organization undertakes an information technology (IT) project to develop a data warehouse and human resource (HR) analytics system using business intelligence tool sets. The problem with this approach is that the cost and complexity can be overwhelming, leading to budget overages, scope creep, and a high rate of project failure. Or, two, the organization chooses to use the analytics offerings of its human capital management (HCM) provider. The problem with this approach is that HCM solutions lack analytic capabilities in the underlying technology—to enable analytics, they must resort to implementing what equates to a business intelligence project, often using third-party technologies.
To better understand how HR is managing its analytics and reporting challenges, Nucleus spoke with Visier customers. Nucleus found that customers selected Visier because of its all-in-one solution, Visier’s strong customer service, and because Visier allowed users to focus on analysis not administrative tasks. Nucleus found that customers were able to achieve productivity gains for both IT and users, while the solution also easily scaled to help support organizational growth.