Epicor CPQ ROI Case Study: CMTP

July 14, 2024 - ROI Case Studies Y100

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CMTP achieved a 53 percent ROI upon implementing Epicor CPQ and recovered its initial investment in the technology within 2.4 years of deployment. The manufacturing organization was previously generating quotes through disparate spreadsheets and manual CAD work, leading to quoting inefficiencies and inaccuracies. Nucleus found that upon the implementation of Epicor CPQ, the organization achieved a 66% increase in quoting efficiency and was able to redeploy an employee that was previously dedicated to manual CAD drawings. Collectively, these benefits translate to over $200,000 in time savings annually.

Learn more about Nucleus Research’s ROI case study approach here.

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CMPT achieved a 53 percent ROI by implementing Epicor CPQ with a payback period of 2.4 years. Read the full Epicor CPQ ROI case study.