At a crossroads: Does Salesforce have a future?

February 20, 2025 - Research Z21

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In today’s CRM environment, the growing significance of unstructured data and AI-driven insights is redefining what truly constitutes valuable customer intelligence. Salesforce’s pricing model has long been a point of contention, and recent data shows that this issue may be intensifying. In a survey of over 100 Salesforce customers, 23 percent indicated that the value they receive does not justify the expense. Despite Salesforce’s broad feature set and enterprise presence, an increasing number of users question whether they genuinely need everything the platform offers, particularly when a combination of smaller, more specialized solutions can often deliver comparable functionality at a notably lower TCO. Ultimately, Salesforce must adapt quickly to the evolving demands of modern sales organizations or risk witnessing its market leadership start to slide as customers begin to seek more agile, cost-effective alternatives.

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