Zoho Ulaa is a real privacy-forward browser
June 6, 2023
Starting from a simple CRM solution in 2005, Zoho continues to impress with expanded capabilities that have made it a comprehensive, cost-effective toolset for running your organization. Any small to upper mid-sized organization should have Zoho on their shortlist.
Ulaa is just one more reason to be impressed with the Zoho team. Let’s face it, privacy is lacking on the internet. Chrome may be the most popular browser, and has been my first choice for years, but it’s also a direct feed of personal data to Google to serve that ad-driven monster. Safari, Firefox, and Edge may be a bit better but perform any obscure search (“sweaters for ferrets” for example) and you’ll face a deluge of related ads across every other Website you visit. Don’t swap to YouTube and hope for relief. You’ll see suggested ferret videos while Amazon will recommend books on rearing ferrets and Chewy will email you about a sale on ferret food.
Now I’ve got nothing against Ferrets, but give me a break.
And that’s exactly what Ulaa does. Let’s call it a real privacy-forward browser. Dreamed up by the folks at Zoho, Ulaa was built from Chromium but scrubbed of any tracking powers. I’ve been using it for a few months without a single issue. It’s fast, well thought out, and in my experience, bug-free. The initial page provides a graph of its privacy defending activities and I’m a bit surprised to see just how much Ulaa is blocking each day. Eye opening might be a better word.
Ulaa does face a market adoption challenge against Chrome, Safari, and the others but as more people become aware of the lack of privacy on the internet, and as those ad-serving companies become more concerned with profits, Ulaa is an easy decision.
Download and take look.